We have grouped our products into seven categories which can be browsed below. Everything is hand made so no two items are the same, our photo’s show the products as a guide, but as you appreciate each individual piece will have its own character. We keep a limited stock and will get back to you immediately if we need to craft your item from scratch with an estimated time of delivery.
Fairy doors are complete with their very own address, however they are decorative and not for small children to play with – they can be used to stimulate their minds into all sorts of imaginary adventures! Although they are made from a natural product we would advise you to keep them inside, perhaps sitting next to or on a skirting board or a shelf to keep their character. The doors with lights on do work and the batteries inside them can be changed when necessary.
The website gives a flavour of what we do but the products are all listed as ‘out of stock’ as those particular pieces have been sold faster than anticipated! We always have a stock of unique doors which can be viewed on our FaceBook page or send an email requesting photographs for current availability.
Postage and packing rates are based on the total weight of your order, and your location. For example items under 2 kg are £5.50 (UK) and prices increase according to courier rates. Collection in person is always possible, please let us know as you checkout.
Enjoy your shopping.